
en ef tees

the NFT epidemic of 2021 and how it went from dreamy to dreary

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)

what is this?

  • an attempt to show people what nfts really are — the good the bad the ugly
  • finding out ways people can experience nfts better
  • creating algorithms to help people protect their data from being stolen (using ai and encoding algorithms to trace back data to the user that created said data — in a way enforceable by law?? improving int'l copyright infringement laws, enforcing them on big corps like google because even google images is still used for this stuff everyday, maybe finding a way for people to use this algoritm created to find their stolen data like art or videos in general from platforms notoriously known for reposters like instagram and tiktok)
  • crypto dudebros vs unlucky artists — who will win
  • creating a video documentary (a really sexy looking one bc why not) with all of this

why (most) artists are scared shitless when they even hear about them

the hate... it's kind of getting hysterical (yes, people can hate them but it's almost unfounded because 99% of the advantages of nfts are completely ignored and as a software dev w some basic knowledge about them i feel v disappointed w how far it's all gone)

they're being treated like the internet was 20 years ago, or how ai was treated 5 years ago



how do we mitigate the assholes trying to take advantage of innocent people (see below for eg)

creating a project + video doc on nfts, their impact (esp in the art world) and how ppl can

  • take precautions to protect their art (maybe an algo for encoding image data so that it is easily traceable across the web and it can be double/triple/quadruple checked before an nft / smart contract is created out of it?)
  • creating a software to protect people's data so that other's can't use their stuff as nfts


  • nft platforms like foundation.app used to take precautions against this, so find out wtf happened and how is it all happening so easily
  • take some kind of reviews from people who had neg/pos experiences w nfts, explaining their own stories
  • did nfts positively impact the art community in any way? (personally, i wanna say they did esp in the big nft boom of early 2021 bc seeing all the pretty ethereal fantasy 3d art made me move my ass and learn how to use blender so i could attempt to simulate my dreams into 3d art, making it some kind of reality???) and im sure lots of deserving ppl made money w it
  • negative impacts — art being stolen and sold to the highest bidder which is the worst fucking thing ever bc sometimes the ppl who actually created that art have no fucking clue (this is basically reposting but on crack)
  • maybe the above algorithm could include image recognition along w data encoding as a doubly strong barrier — see the tech behind google image search? (and find ways to reverse search content)
  • finding a way to link data to people without it linking to their government ids bc that is unsafe as hell and you don't want the govt to keep an eye on you like that (reiterating that YOUR DATA IS YOURS and that YOU CAN DECIDE WHAT TO DO W IT — something nfts were created to enforce until people found more... destructive ways to use them)
  • now loads of platforms (esp big organizations, eg krita) are straight up banning nfts and as a tech enthusiast who know that nfts aren't all bad (and were made w extremely good intentions), i can't help but think it's gonna just become a trend and everyone will get on this bandwagon bc the West is dumb and is enforcing this without truly understanding the true intentions of the whole thing
  • like no you don't have to straight up ban nfts, that shit could change a person's life for the better + there's platforms using blockchain smart contract tech that's v efficient, highly optimized and not v impactful on the env (negatively) like hicetnunc.xyz

random comment on the internet that kind of reiterates my thoughts v concisely

how do we implement proof of ownership in nfts???

@FatherNappingElk is just a troll but this is basically what the internet thinks of nfts and there's no way of changing opinions of ppl bc things have just gotten this bad

on krita probably starting a trend (oh wow u hate nfts so trendy) — it is NOT a scam, and it is NOT harmful to the environment in 99% use cases, the only exception being pre-ETH2.0 ethereum architecture being used for nfts being made to sell stolen art (or just uncreative ugly ass art bc that should be nuked too, stop w the ugly icons pls just for my eyes PLEASE)

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